Utah Senate considering a new bill surrounding “condom stealthing”
Feb 10, 2023, 12:30 PM
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SALT LAKE CITY — Utah may become the second state, following California’s lead, to ban the act of “condom stealthing” after the introduction of a new bill.
“Condom stealthing” is defined as the removal of a sexually protective device without the consent of the other involved party. The Utah Senate is considering a bill that would make it a crime to do so.
The bill sponsor Sen. Michael McKell, R-Spanish Fork, told KSL NewsRadio the bill would make so-called “condom stealthing” a Class A misdemeanor. However, if the act results in pregnancy or a sexually transmitted disease it would be a felony.
“Under this statute, the act of violation of the law could result in criminal charges,” McKell said.
“You’ll see in the language it would have to be intentional or knowingly, the prosecutor would have to show that you know the offender was aware of his or her actions,” McKell said.
McKell also told KSL NewsRadio that women in the state should be protected.
“I think it absolutely should be criminal especially as we look at our abortion laws in the state of Utah I think it’s important that we do everything we can to protect women and I think this is a clear violation and it should be criminalized,” he said.
According to the National Library of Medicine, a Melbourne-based study found that of 2,883 participating women, 32% of them reported experiencing the act of condom stealthing.
Furthermore, a U.S.-based study found that of 626 male condom users (described as inconsistent condom users), almost 10% engaged in nonconsensual condom removal.