High speed chase reached 125 mph, UHP says
Oct 31, 2022, 2:00 PM | Updated: Dec 29, 2022, 11:23 am

Santaquin police say a 5-year-old is dead after an accidental, self-inflicted gunshot wound. (Utah Highway Patrol)
(Utah Highway Patrol)
SALT LAKE CITY – A Utah Highway Patrol Trooper said in a probable cause statement that he responded to a call in Willard yesterday where there was a possible fight between a couple in a parking lot.
The statement also said there was a possibility that the suspect, later identified as Scott T. Myers, stabbed himself and others before fleeing in his vehicle. The troopers found Myers vehicle, which allegedly fled them, reaching speeds of 125 mph.
After performing a pit maneuver to stop the vehicle, the trooper said Myers “smelled strongly” of alcohol. Myers admitted to “drinking heavily” that day, the probable cause statement said.
This is not Myer’s first incident with the law. The probable cause statement said this is his 5th DUI in 10 years, and some of those offenses are still awaiting trial.