National Child Abuse Prevention Month recognized by SLC leaders
Apr 24, 2023, 9:00 PM

Salt Lake City Police Chief Mike Brown speaks Thursday, Feb. 16, 2023, at the graduation of 19 police recruits from the Salt Lake City Police Academy. On Monday, Brown, along with other Salt Lake City law Enforcement recognized April as National Child Abuse Prevention Month. Photo credit: Salt Lake City Police Department.
SALT LAKE CITY — Law enforcement personnel in Salt Lake City came together on Monday to recognize April as National Child Abuse Prevention Month.
Salt Lake City Police Chief Mike Brown was joined by Salt Lake County District Attorney Sim Gill and Salt Lake County Sheriff Rosie Rivera at a press conference.
“Child abuse is one of the most horrific crimes that can happen in our community. It hurts the most vulnerable and defenseless,” Brown said. “It will not be tolerated nor accepted because our community is a place where children can do well, engage in fun, positive activities and where adults can create safe, stable and nurturing environments for our children.”
In a news release from the Salt Lake City Police Department, the National Children’s Alliance reports more than 600,000 children experience abuse each year in the United States.
During 2020, the National Children’s Alliance also reports 618,000 children experienced abuse or neglect. It was the most recent year that there is national information available.
There are four types of abuse as defined by the U.S. Center Control and Prevention. They are as follows:
- Physical abuse
- Sexual abuse
- Emotional abuse
- Neglect
A full recording of Monday’s press conference on National Child Abuse Prevention Month can be viewed by clicking here.
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