Another small earthquake rattles Bluffdale
Mar 5, 2019, 11:16 AM

BLUFFDALE, Utah — The Bluffdale area was shaken up again by yet another earthquake early Tuesday morning. It was small in magnitude but adds to the growing total.
The University of Utah seismograph stations says it was 2.5 magnitude, and it happened at about 1:05 am. The epicenter was just south of central Bluffdale, located off Rock Hollow Drive. It was three miles deep.
Not as many people have contacted KSL Newsradio to say they felt this one or woke up from it, but we have had some reports.
That same area has had another six smaller earthquakes in the past 48-hours alone, more than 100 since February 13th.
The United States Geological Survey from Utah to Wyoming and Idaho, they’ve recorded well over two-hundred earthquakes in February alone, most of them across Utah.
Early Monday morning a 4.5 quake happened in Bedrock just over the Utah / Colorado border, but it was felt in Moab and other areas.
Seismologists at the University of Utah say these earthquakes are not necessarily a sign of things to come but they also may not relieve enough pressure to reduce the likelihood of a larger one.