Officer Steve Olson, Cottonwood Heights
May 30, 2018, 3:01 PM | Updated: Aug 3, 2022, 2:59 pm

The following was submitted by Jesse Draper.
“On April 4, 2018, I took a quick break to go to lunch at a nearby Burger King. As I sat waiting for my order, a police officer entered pushing a bike. Initially, I thought he was perhaps a bike cop; however, I quickly realized that something else was going on. As I watched things unfold, I grabbed my phone and took some snapshots.
Officer Steve Olson approached one of the employees at Burger King with the bike. As I took pictures, I heard the conversation and understood that the employee (Troy Roberts) had received a bike for Christmas but it was later stolen from his porch. Officer Olson had learned of this earlier and had gone out and bought him a bike with his own money.
Troy was overhwlemed with emotion and so happy he cried. After giving the bike, Officer Olson quietly slipped out and was gone. He didn’t want recognition. He didn’t know I would be sitting there taking pictures of this incredible kindness. However, that kindness stretched beyond that moment, beyond that bike. His kindness touched my heart and demonstrates what so many of us know, but rarely talk about: There is good all around us! Officer Olson represents that good… he embodies that good! His quiet act of service garnered news attention and is on social media after I provided pictures and the story, but I feel he deserves a spotlight for his commitment to his community after 38 years.”