Agnes Broberg of Timpanogos Elementary
Oct 1, 2018, 9:14 PM | Updated: Jan 26, 2024, 9:39 am

Agnes Brown was nominated not once, not twice – but SIX separate times!
Former student Michael Brown says:
“I wholeheartedly believe that second only to the lessons my great parents taught me; no one else has had a bigger impact on my life. To all of her former students I know I can say that Mrs. Broberg felt more like a second mother than a teacher. She cares about her students. She is passionate about the arts and what it does to youth. The things I learned from Mrs. Broberg in the Drama program have provided me with more life skills than anything else in my life. I truly believe that. She taught us how to stand out, how to work as a team, how to compassionately work through our differences, how to do our absolute best, and how to be an incredible person by making a difference in the lives of others.”
Former student Jennifer DeSpain says:
“Agnes was my drama teacher while I was in high school. She spent countless houra before and after school coaching students to perform their best. She always went above and beyond and attended as many after school events as possible.
She was a teacher that welcomed students into her classroom. She was always willing to listen and help out. When I competed for the Miss Orem pageant I had the region track meet the day before. Being a teenager I didn’t think about the problema the sun could cause. Luckily Agnes let me borrow stage makeup so I could hide the tan lines.
Recently I found out that Agnes would be retiring. I feel like before she retires she should be recognized for her hundreds of thousands of hours she has spent impacting the lives of her students. She is one of those teachers that even a decade later I know shaped my career and life. I still use some
of her techniques when I need to get up and present in frony of a large group of people. I appreciate the confidence she has given me.”
Former student Jared Teerlink says:
“Agnes Broberg had more effect on my professional career than any teacher grades 1-12. She is amazing at being able to teach you how to communicate properly and get your point across. The time she spends with her students and me personally while I attended Timpanogos High is a cherished gem I will keep forever.
Agnes taught me how to be confident in front of a crowd and how to present a message with power and conviction. Those are skills that are desperately needed in today’s technology world.
I feel disappointed that the arts are not as well funded in our educational system today but learning from Agnes Broberg taught me that through hard work, commitment and passion. You can achieve great things. Being able to speak properly, have confidence to present yourself and you ideas in a group setting are just as important as Science Math and Engineering.
This is why I’m nominating Agnes Broberg.
I hope you consider her
Jared Teerlink”
Formers student Kaleb Karns says:
“Agnes broberg is the most caring teacher I have ever had. Not only did see help you succeed in her class, but also in your other classes. I peronally would have not graduated high school with Mrs Broberg keeping me motivated.
She is caring and goes above and beyond for her students. Her class was by far my favorite and allowed me to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. She was my friend, teacher,council and to this day she is someone I still go to when I need help or advise.
For these reasons and many more, in my opinion Agnes broberg is one of the rare few who teach and care at the same time.”
Former student Tawni Slothower says:
“Agnes has been teaching theater at Timpanogos High since 1997, when the school opened. I was a junior that first year and Agnes was everyone’s favorite teacher, especially mine. She cares about more than the work of a student, she is invested in seeing her students grow and blossom with each paper turned in and each part that is portrayed. I can’t count the number of lives she has changed, but with me, her impact was monumental.
I struggled the last year of high school and for a couple of years after that. Agnes was the one adult I trusted to be honest with me about my bad choices. She never let me get away with anything. The thing with Agnes is, people and students flock to her upbeat spirit and huge heart. You could always come back to the drama room, even if it had been 15 years since you graduated. I often found myself in her office as she would help me see how I could be a better person and that I was worth so much more.
I learned so much from Agnes those two years that she was my teacher. She started as my teacher then became my mentor in life, now I call her my friend. She is so much more than an amazing teacher. She is giving to all who come in her path and I am grateful that I got to be one of the firsts in a very long line. On Monday May 7th those who have been taught by her, acted with her or just been lucky enough to know her will come together to surprise her with a celebration to honor her as she retires. She will be missed more than she can comprehend. I’m just grateful that I had the opportunity to be taught by Mrs. Broberg.”
And last but not least, former student Dan James says:
“When I was going through a very bad time in life she was one of a few teachers who respected me and made me know that my presence at school mattered to her. For two years I took every class I could from her to learn a trade. She thought me that I had to be responsible for my own education, learning and life. She showed me that my choices in the moment dictated my future life and happiness.”