Annette Brewer, Lakeside Elementary
May 7, 2024, 5:13 PM | Updated: May 9, 2024, 9:08 pm
“When I asked my six year old son what he likes about his kindergarten teacher, he responded with: “Mrs Brewer is nice, helpful, and kind. I like that she helps me when I don’t know things.”
Mrs Brewer had the tough job of introducing five and six year olds to an all day of learning classroom. She accepted the challenge, and helped each student feel comfortable and relaxed throughout the first few weeks of adjusting.
She make learning fun and has exciting activities throughout the year. Her class leaned the lifecycle of chicken and hatched chicks in the class. She received some caterpillars to learn about butterflies. My sons favorite unit was learning the alphabet, bringing in a stuffed animal for ‘A’ day.
Her classroom is warm and inviting to kids new to school. She has a western themed room and uses a cowboy newsletter that she send out every week to update the parents on the classrooms activities.
Her quote she uses is from John Wayne. “Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway.” I believe that this is a perfect way to describe kindergarteners. They start the school year scared and unsure, but with Mrs Brewers leadership, guidance, and encouragement, the students thrive.”
-Hillary McFarland
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