Devin Jackman, Mapleton Jr. High
Feb 6, 2024, 3:50 PM | Updated: May 9, 2024, 9:42 pm
“Every time my kids and their friends are in the car together and they start talking about school it starts with the teachers that are ‘cringe’ but always ends with a discussion of Mr. Jackman’s class. The final sentence is usually, “yeah, Mr. Jackman is the best”. My 19 year old still chimes in about how great his class was back when she was in 9th grade. Now my 15 year old son and his buddies all go on and on about his class. This guy even dared fill up a bus with Jr. High kids and take them to Sundance film festival. I am not what you would call an involved parent so I don’t know much other than the excitement I have seen from multiply kids of all types that he is a good teacher. Both of my kids really love this teacher because of his ability to connect to them. I hope he wins.”
-Steven Groneman
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