Jordan Brown, South Weber Elementary
Apr 10, 2024, 10:23 AM | Updated: May 9, 2024, 9:29 pm
“Mrs. Brown is our daughter’s first-grade teacher. She has been incredible all year long and we have been so lucky to have her as a teacher. Yesterday, 4/9/2024, Mrs. Brown went above and beyond to help our daughter with a bullying issue. All year long our daughter has had a girl in her class who will be her best friend one day and the very next is making fun of her for several different things but the main thing she gets made fun of by this girl is for her clothes. Our daughter loved Unicorns and has several shirts or dresses that have unicorns on them. Her lunch box also has a unicorn on it as well. This girl tells her that she thinks that Unicorns are stupid and that she hates them. When she wears clothing that has unicorns on it she makes fun of her clothes. Yesterday as a family we decided that we were going to have a Unicorn day and everyone in our family was going to wear something with a unicorn on it. My wife sent Mrs. Brown an email telling her about our family unicorn day. Mrs. Brown responded in a big way. She changed the backdrop on her computer that is projected on the whiteboard to a big beautiful unicorn and had it on display all day long. She also sent an email to all of the other teachers in the school letting them know that she had a student being made fun of for her love of unicorns. Other teachers in the school responded to help. The preschool classes painted a big poster that said “Unicorns are Awesome,” and had it delivered to our daughter’s classroom. One of the 4th-grade classes spent a few minutes of their morning finding Unicorn objects that could be 3D printed. Once the printing was done they brought Mrs. Brown a little unicorn figurine and a “Unicorn Parking Only – Violators Will Be Turned Into Rainbows” sign. Mrs. Brown read a book to the class called Uni the Unicorn. She had Unicron stuffed animals all over her room that teachers had brought her. They did Unicorn math, and Uni the stuffed animal passed out stickers and other prizes to kids who she noticed being kind to others throughout the day. Our daughter came home from school floating on a cloud! Mrs. Brown did not need to do anywhere near all of the things that she did to make our daughter feel special and loved. Thank you Mrs. Brown for being such an amazing teacher and changing the world with your love for children!”
-Jon Poll
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