Michele Kersey – Roy High School
May 19, 2010, 4:09 PM | Updated: Feb 13, 2024, 9:43 am

Dear Sirs,
I would like to nominate Michele Kersey Smith for the “Teacher Feature” award that KSL makes available to outstanding teachers. She is a math teacher at Roy High School, chairman of the math department, faculty advisor to the cheerleaders, and advisor to the Key Club. She has been teaching for 25 years in Weber County School District. She is one of the most caring teachers of students in their learning of math concepts. She provides outside tutoring sessions before and after school for students who have trouble learning math concepts. She has had teaching and learning sessions in her home on weekends for students who have had difficulties learning math CORE concepts needed for high school graduation. Students I have talked to outside the high school state that “she is a no nonsense teacher who cares about me personally, and all other students she teaches.” She uses a variety of teaching methods and activities to make sure that all of her students know the math concepts related to their course of study. She has had a positive influence on many students who have had personal problems that have affected their schooling and ability to comprehend math concepts. But, as numerous students have stated, “she gets the best out of every student no matter what their problems might be.” She has also coached cheerleaders at Roy High to a National High School championship. She presently is the foster mother to two Korean High School students. Both students lost their host families, one two years ago and one this school year. However, with her caring compassionate heart, when asked by the students if they could stay with her, she and her husband agreed to provide a home, nurturing care and parenting to these two students until they complete their high school education. She teaches PM school to assist those students who struggle with a regular school setting and brings out the best in each and every student. She is truly one of Weber School Districts’ best teachers and is very deserving of the “Teacher Feature Award.”
William L. Lythgoe