5600 South construction project affecting I-15 lanes in Weber County
Oct 16, 2023, 3:00 PM

Northbound traffic moves slowly during rush hour on I-15 near Antelope Drive in Davis County on Wednesday, Aug. 14, 2019. (Kristin Murphy/Deseret News)
(Kristin Murphy/Deseret News)
ROY, Utah — If you live in Weber County and take I-15 home from work, get ready for potential delays for the next few years thanks to a construction project on 5600 South.
The Utah Department of Transportation shifted lanes on northbound I-15 from just before 5600 South to just past Riverdale Road, as crews work to complete the 5600 South project.
The plan is to widen 5600 South from one lane in each direction to two lanes each way with a middle lane all the way to 3500 West.
UDOT will also redo the freeway interchange at 5600 South. Other work includes a new pedestrian bridge and trail at 2700 West.
The project is set to last until fall of 2026.
UDOT Spokesperson Mitch Shaw told KSL NewsRadio that UDOT will keep the lane shifts in place until the work is done. Once done, it’ll shift them back to the way they were before.
“It’s going to be a headache for a while…but when we finish it, traffic is going to function a lot better,” Shaw said.
According to Shaw, the project forced them to purchase some private property. It’s unclear how many homes the project affects. UDOT is still working on finishing agreements involving the private properties.
“We know that’s [a] difficult situation,” Shaw said. “We try to make it as easy as we can…for people involved.”
Shaw also noted that UDOT pays fair market value for any homes or properties they have to buy for projects.
Shaw said a big reason UDOT chose to do this project is not just because the freeway interchanges were outdated.
UDOT also needs to accommodate Utah’s rapid growth, particularly in areas west of I-15 like Roy.
“We can’t…sit back and let that growth overtake us,” Shaw said. “We have to plan for it and…act accordingly.”
UDOT is conducting studies and working on other projects in western Davis and Weber Counties, like the West Davis Corridor, to help accommodate growth west of the freeway.
Shaw encouraged anyone who lives in the area of the 5600 South project to subscribe to email updates and to share their thoughts through 5600south@utah.gov.