After a deadly weekend on Utah’s roads, UHP reiterates road safety practices
Jul 29, 2024, 8:35 PM

In the last few weeks, there have been multiple fatal car crashes on Utah roads. Utah Highway Patrol says it's vital to remember the basics of road safety as we finish up the 100 deadliest days on Utah roads. (Canva)
SALT LAKE CITY — Utah roads saw a deadly weekend, with multiple fatal crashes reported.
Lieutenant Cameron Roden with the Utah Highway Patrol said there’s been a large increase in fatal crashes the last few weeks.
“We came into the summer months… With reduced fatalities down 14%,” Roden said on Jeff Caplan’s Afternoon News. “So we thought we were doing pretty well. But the last couple weeks has not only caught us up where we were last year, but actually put us ahead.”
There’s a reason summer is called the 100 deadliest days on the road, Roden said.
He says so far this summer, there have been 64 fatal crashes, with 70 fatalities. Out of those, 43 were single vehicle crashes.
Roden says many single-vehicle crashes are caused by 1) people driving too fast, or 2) distracted driving.
He also says many of the deadly crashes seen on Utah roads involve motorcycles.
“With motorcycle crashes we actually see a trend of about 50/50. about half of the crashes are motorcyclists by themselves and the others were motorcycles involved with another vehicle,” Roden said.
We have to work together, Roden says, to share the road.
“Make sure motorists are looking out for motorcycles, but also make sure motorcycles are doing everything they can to stay safe.”
That includes
- wearing helmets
- wearing protective gear
- following all motorcycle-specific rules of the road.
There’s a month left of the 100 deadliest days. Roden says even though it seems like a “broken record,” the basics of road safety are extremely important to avoid fatalities.
“Simple things, like watching speed, putting on a seatbelt, those are the things that end up keeping us safe,” he said.