New campaign aims to reduce road rage in Utah
Jan 9, 2024, 5:41 PM

Utah officials say road rage crashes have increased 11%. (Adam Small/KSL NewsRadio)
(Adam Small/KSL NewsRadio)
SALT LAKE CITY — The Utah Departments of Public Safety and Transportation launched a new campaign on Tuesday aimed at reducing road rage in the state.
DPS Commissioner Jess Anderson said most types of roadway deaths decreased from 2022 through last year.
Road rage crashes, however, did not. Anderson said they rose about 11%.
The new DPS and UDOT campaign aims to address the trend.
“Represent the state. Remember what we come from, remember who we represent. And when people look at Utah, we represent #1 in a lot of good areas,” Anderson said.
The campaign gives tips and resources for not only aggressive drivers but also victims of those encounters.
Amanda McNab with the Huntsman Mental Health Institute said that oftentimes, unrelated stress can lead to these kinds of encounters.
“They’re running late, they’re dealing with traffic. All of a sudden it becomes ‘I’m going to get in trouble again at work, I’m going to lose my job, I can’t pay my rent,” she said.
According to McNab, one of the best things you can do on either side is to give space.
“Whether that’s physical space, and you kind of pull over to the side and let that individual pass. Or to allow whatever that initial trigger is to pass.”
McNab said if you find yourself hot behind the wheel, take that space. Take a breath, pull over and talk to someone you trust if you need to.
She said even the type of music you listen to in the car can help calm you down.