Bald eagle found shot in Summit County, wildlife officers looking for shooter
Apr 25, 2021, 3:01 PM
SALT LAKE CITY — A juvenile bald eagle was found earlier this month with a bullet in its neck, now while it recovers from surgery at the Wildlife Center of Northern Utah, wildlife officials want to find the shooter.
The bird was found in a rural area of Summit County, near Hennifer. Utah Division of Wildlife Resources spokeswoman Faith Jolley told KSL TV that the bird had been shot two weeks before it was found, and was lucky to be alive.
“It’s kind of upsetting to hear that somebody was, you know, targeting this particular species,” Jolley said.
An x-ray showed that a bullet hit the bird’s right wing, shattered the radius bone, then passed through the shoulder, and was stuck at the back of the bird’s neck.
Investigating the illegal shooting of animals, or poaching is part of the job for Utah wildlife officials. But Jolley said it’s rare that someone uses a Bald Eagle for target practice.
Shooting a bald eagle, even if it does not die, is a federal crime.
If you have information about this shooting please contact the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources.
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