Provo brush fire kitten rescued and up for adoption
Jul 21, 2021, 9:21 PM

Austin Svenson holds the rescued kitten. [Photo Credit: Provo Fire & Rescue, Facebook]
PROVO, Utah– In June, Provo firefighters made an unexpected rescue when putting out a brush fire. When firefighters approached the flames, they found a kitten in the midst of it all.
Provo brush fire kitten rescue
Captain Ben Schofield recalled responding to the brush fire which was located in a swampy area of Provo. “The fire was nearly out when we arrived, and as we were finishing the extinguishment of the fire we heard this ‘meowing’,” Schofield said.
The kitten was located and found by Provo firefighter Austin Svenson. The kitten was reportedly smoking and quickly washed off with water then assessed for burns and injury.
“It was singed, with burn marks on its head and back,” Schofield recalled. The kitten may have been a little singed but was not injured according to the fire department.
Station 23 with Provo Fire & Rescue held the kitten until animal control could pick it up.
Kitten is now up for adoption
The kitten was taken from Station 23 and placed at South Utah Valley Animal Shelter. Nicknamed ‘Ember’, the 3-month-old girl is looking for her forever home.
Not much is known about her behavior but Ember is small and has been spayed.
Click here to see more details about her adoption.