Quarters for Christmas: a KSL legacy
Dec 10, 2020, 2:58 PM | Updated: 3:21 pm

Every winter, hundreds of Utah children struggle to find shoes, socks or clothing to keep warm. This year the demand is even higher due to the COVID pandemic and families out of work. Quarters for Christmas provides coats and shoes for children in need, and 100% of the proceeds go back to our community.
Where does the money go?
Short answer: to Utah kids. All proceeds go back to the community, with no overhead fees or deductions from KSL.
Originally a KSL NewsRadio exclusive program, Quarters for Christmas has expanded over the years to include all Salt Lake Bonneville stations.
“Quarters for Christmas has been around as KSL’s only charity for over 53 years, and has helped thousands of kids,” said KSL Community Initiative Coordinator Luanne Monson.
“I have the privilege to see the money on both the fundraising side and the receiving side, and it’s left a lasting impression on me. I remember one particular day I was delivering our yearly contribution to Catholic community services and they had just received a few families and teenagers from Nigeria. They got off the airplane wearing T-shirts and flip-flops, which were all they had. We put the donation money to good use that very day helping those deserving kids,” Monson said.
How do recipients receive help?
The bulk of the money is distributed through the schools, giving teachers the ability to recommend their students.
“My mom is a retired kindergarten teacher. She would tell me heartbreaking stories all the time about kids showing up to school with old ragged shoes, or no coat or jacket,” said KSL NewsRadio Promotions Director Ike Yospe.
“She knew she couldn’t help them learn until their physical needs were met. In many cases, she was able to use Quarters for Christmas funds to present vouchers to her kids for new shoes or clothing. And it’s like this throughout the state. The money all stays here in Utah to help those who need it most – struggling kids who cannot help themselves! I can’t think of a better cause to donate to!” Yospe said.
The funds raised are distributed to our partners at Crossroads Urban Center, Catholic Community Services, Utah’s education foundations, and The Road Home. This year, SelectHealth helped us kick off the donation on air with each of our partners as part of Utah Gives Back.
Meet our partners
Nonprofit, grassroots organization that assists and organizes Utahns with low incomes, disabilities, and people of color to meet basic survival needs and address essential issues affecting quality of life. Established in 1966, Crossroads is a multi-faith, community based project in a covenant relationship with United Methodist Women national office.
Empowering people in need along the Wasatch Front to reach self-sufficiency since 1945. By giving strength to the weakest in our midst, CCS is able to lovingly serve and provide hope to those with the greatest need in our community regardless of race, religion or personal circumstance.
Education Foundations
KSL’s Quarters for Christmas funds given to Utah’s education foundations are given directly to student families through the counseling office, principals and/or teachers. Please inquire if your school participates in the Quarters for Christmas program within your school’s office. For schools requesting assistance, contact Salt Lake Education Foundation at 801-578-8258 to see if your school qualifies for funding.
Private non-profit social services agency that assists individuals and families experiencing homelessness in Salt Lake County and along the Wasatch Front. The Road Home provides multiple services to help people overcome homelessness.
How do I donate?
Donations are taken online at www.kslquarters.com or in person at any Deseret Book store. To obtain a receipt while donating, please use our online option.