Candidate buttons and T-shirts are not allowed near polling locations
Nov 5, 2024, 6:00 AM

A voter makes their way to a polling location during early voting for the upcoming general election held at the Utah County Health and Justice Building in Provo on Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2024. (Isaac Hale, Deseret News)
(Isaac Hale, Deseret News)
SALT LAKE CITY — You may not realize it, but if you show up at a polling place today wearing a candidate’s T-shirt – you’re breaking the law.
Utah law requires all campaign signs and advertisements be at least 150 feet away from polling locations.
That includes hats, buttons, T-shirts, and anything else that promotes a candidate or issue in any way.
Weber County Clerk/Auditor Ricky Hatch says this rule isn’t in place to cause conflict.
“We have to enforce the law… And keep these polling places as safe, neutral zones where folks can cast a vote,” he said.
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He says if you show up at a polling location wearing a hat or button, polling officials will ask you to take it back to your car. If it’s a T-shirt, they’ll ask you to put on a jacket or go to the bathroom and turn the shirt inside out.
And if you have a question about the way elections work in Utah, Davis County Clerk Brian McKenzie wants you to ask.
“What I always tell voters is [to] come and learn for yourself. Come and see for yourself, come and ask those questions,” he said.
McKenzie warned that voters need to be careful about where they get their information, especially when looking online.
“We live in a very digital age where there’s limitless information. I encourage people to get their information… from local, trusted media sources. Don’t just take anything you read off the internet as the truth, because sometimes it’s not.”
The one stop shop for any info you might want on elections is at, where you can get accurate information on the voting process and the candidates you’ll see on your ballot.