Early May weather helps make up for a dry April in Utah
May 7, 2024, 11:45 AM

Javier Monllor, walks in the rain with his kids, Naiara and Noah, in Springville. (Scott G. Winterton/Deseret News)
(Scott G. Winterton/Deseret News)
SALT LAKE CITY— May weather in Northern Utah is off to a good start. A storm brought in a good amount of water over the weekend, helping to make up for a dry April.
KSL Meteorologist Matt Johnson said Farmington got 1.52 inches of water. That is 57% of what the area averages in May.
Salt Lake City got 0.88 inches or 48% of the average total for May. Ogden got 1.22 inches, 62% of the normal amount. Alta got 2.78 inches of snow water, 72% of the normal amount for the month.
Johnson said, depending on the area, the May weather brought Northern Utah got 50 to 90% of the rain expected for the entire month of May in just a few days.
He said the wet May weather was enough water to make up for how dry last month was, and still set up for a successful rest of the month.
However, Johnson said, partly because of how dry April was, more rain is needed to meet May’s averages, and in turn, avoid drying out in the summer.
“Spring is kind of our last push for water,” he said, adding that June, July, and August all only average maybe a half inch of water.
Ideally, Johnson said, we want to see a storm every seven to 10 days to stay in good shape in terms of soil moisture, or at least two more good storms before June 1.
“You pick up…two more storms before the month’s over and you’ve met your quota,” Johnson said.
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