Let’s Get Moving with Maria: Motivating yourself with the Five Second Rule
Oct 10, 2021, 4:33 PM

Photo: Canva
SALT LAKE CITY — If you ever had that feeling of not being able to get up in the morning, always being late, and having no motivation, learn how author Mel Robbins created the five second rule to push yourself forward.
In the latest episode of Let’s Get Moving with Maria, marriage and family therapist Dr. Liz Hale discusses the techniques in Mel Robbin’s book.
The Five Second Rule
Dr. Liz explains we should not wait to pass five seconds to second guess what needs to be done. When the alarm goes off and we wake up, count down from five and do what we need to, whether that’s going to the gym, or getting the day started.
Don’t wait until you feel you want to do it, just do it! As she explains, sometimes we will never feel like doing it, but we know we need to.
Dr. Liz gives the example of a man named who used this in many aspects of the story, he began to act and live before his mind got in the way, and how he was empowered no matter the end result because he didn’t let second-guessing get int he way.
Training our brain to operate differently and not always listen to our feeling can create a new habit that can improve your approach to life.
Listen to the full podcast below!
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