Salt Lake City Marathon brings road closures Saturday morning
Apr 12, 2019, 7:57 PM

(Salt Lake City Marathon)
(Salt Lake City Marathon)
SALT LAKE CITY — Thousands of runners and spectators will be out for the Salt Lake City Marathon Saturday morning. According to the website, events start at 6 a.m. with a bike tour, followed by the start of the wheelchair and hand cycle race. The full marathon starts at 7 a.m. followed by the 5K and 10K runs.
All the events start at the Olympic Legacy Bridge on Wasatch Drive on the campus of the University of Utah. The marathon will head west through the Avenues, Memory Grove Park, and back east along South Temple.
From there, it heads south through Sugar House Park and out to Holladay. The course then turns north, following Highland Drive and 600 East finally ending at Library Square in downtown Salt Lake.
Here is a full schedule of events:
04:07am | Early UTA/TRAX service begins All athletes can display their bib for free transport to the start line
06:00am | Bike Tour Start (Olympic Legacy Bridge)
06:20am | Wheelchair and Hand Cycle Start (Olympic Legacy Bridge)
06:50am | Full & Half Marathon Pre-Start Ceremony (Olympic Legacy Bridge)
06:55am | 5K Pre-Start Ceremony (475 S 300 E)
07:00am | Marathon and Half Marathon Start (Olympic Legacy Bridge)
07:05am | 5K Start (475 S 300 E)
07:10am | 10K Skate Start (500 S 900 E)
07:15am | 10K Run Start (500 S 900 E)
08:00am | 5K Awards Ceremony (Library Square)
08:00am | Kids Activities Begin (Library Square)
09:00am | 10K Skate Awards Ceremony (Library Square)
09:00am | 10K Run Awards Ceremony (Library Square)
09:00am | Half Marathon Awards Ceremony (Library Square)
10:00am | Beer Garden Opens (Library Square)
10:30am | Marathon Awards Ceremony (Library Square)
10:45am | Kid’s K Starts (Library Square)
For those trying to get downtown, driving in may be tricky. Utah Transit Authority will be running extended service on the red and blue TRAX lines as a result.
The Marathon route crosses light rail lines at:
o Red Line: 900 East (400 South)
o S-Line: 600 East (2250 South)