Fire crews investigating after woman’s death in Centerville apartment fire
Oct 13, 2022, 1:00 PM

The scene of the apartment fire in Centerville, Utah the day after the fire. (Adam Small, KSL NewsRadio)
(Adam Small, KSL NewsRadio)
CENTERVILLE, Utah — Officials continue to investigate after one woman died in a Centerville apartment fire. The fire broke out at 88 W 50th Street on Wednesday night.
South Davis Metro Fire Battalion Chief Mike Hansen told KSL NewsRadio that officials don’t believe any suspicious activity was involved in how the deadly fire started.
Hansen also said that those who had to evacuate from their apartments were able to go back inside Wednesday night.
Hansen said that one woman never made it out of her unit, where she later died.
Heather Gray lives just six doors away from where the flames broke out. She said she was watching TV around 7:50 p.m. when she heard a pounding on the door to get outside.
“It was pretty terrifying…when you have one of those moments…[when] you have 30 seconds to grab what you need and get out,” Gray said.
Gray said when she went outside and ended up waiting for about 2.5 hours before she could go back inside. During that time, she said some of her neighbors brought out blankets and chairs for people who were stuck in the cold.
Gray said she didn’t know the woman who died, but she was saddened to learn of her death. “I didn’t know that somebody had died until later in the evening,” Gray said. “[It] was really sad to hear about that.”
Gray said she had to sleep with no gas or electricity, though she thankfully received offers of places to stay if needed.
The cause of the fire is still under investigation. Officials have no estimate on the cost of damages.