Firearm and drugs seized from man on probation, police say
Jan 25, 2025, 1:14 PM

FILE - A Salt Lake City Police Department patrol SUV parked on Redwood Road following a deadly crash near 755 South (SLCPD photo from July 9, 2023).
(SLCPD photo from July 9, 2023)
SALT LAKE CITY — A man on probation was arrested on Jan. 18, after police found a firearm and drug paraphernalia in his vehicle, according to the Salt Lake City Police Department.
In a press release from the SLCPD, the investigation happened during a traffic stop on 400 W. North Temple St.
Police said the driver was identified as Cesar Carranza.
When Carranza opened his glovebox, police said they saw what appeared to be a firearm inside, along with a strong smell of marijuana coming from inside the car.
With help from the SLCPD’s Violent Criminal Apprehension Team, police said they confirmed that there was a firearm in the glovebox. A “dab pen” as well as other drug paraphernalia, including a glass pipe and multiple lighters were also found at the scene, according to the SLCPD.
Carranza is prohibited from having a firearm, due to his probation for a prior domestic violence conviction, according to detectives.
The press release stated that Carranza was booked into the Salt Lake County Metro Jail on charges of unlawful possession of a firearm as a restricted person and unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia.
“This is yet another example of our officers working to protect our city,” Salt Lake City Police Chief Mike Brown said. “Our officers are doing everything they can to keep our city safe, especially when these suspects, including repeat and already convicted offenders, are accused of endangering our community using illegal drugs and firearms.”
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