New survey asks how the state should handle Utah’s population increases
Dec 8, 2022, 4:55 AM

The Salt Lake City skyline is pictured. (Getty Images)
(Getty Images)
SALT LAKE CITY — Envision Utah, alongside other state agencies, has launched a survey to gather feedback from residents as Utah’s population continues to boom. The survey, called “Guiding our Growth,” centers on how Utah should handle its rapid expansion.
The Guiding Our Growth survey is currently open and will remain open through February 2023.
“We want to hear from people about what they view as the greatest challenges of growth, what they love about Utah and what they want to keep, and what are their ideas for how we can accommodate that growth in a way that retains a high quality of life here,” said Ari Bruening, CEO of Envision Utah.
Bruening said that Utah faces housing challenges, water challenges, air quality, and traffic issues. But he said he is hopeful for the future.
“We see people are very concerned about growth but we’ve been growing for a long time in this state and we’ve managed to make good decisions to keep this a great place.”
Continued growth in Utah’s population is inevitable, Bruening said, so the state needs to figure out how to keep up with it in a sustainable way. To help with that sustainability and to ensure a good future for younger generations, Bruening encouraged Utahns to take the survey.