New police officers graduate from SLCPD Police Academy
Oct 27, 2022, 7:00 PM | Updated: Dec 29, 2022, 11:23 am

A total of 24 new police officers joined the Salt Lake Cityb Police Department Thursday following their graduation from the Salt Lake City Police Department Police Academy. Photo credit: Salt Lake City Police Department
SALT LAKE CITY — A total of 24 new police officers were added to the Salt Lake City Department on Thursday, following their graduation from the Salt Lake City Police Department Police Academy.
“Almost seven months ago, these 24 individuals entered their first day of the police academy with a wide range of previous job experiences,” said SLCPD Chief Mike Brown in a news release. “Today, they are now sworn members of the Salt Lake City Police Department. And are committed to helping ensure our community is safe. I admire their willingness to take a step forward into this noble profession. And to join the SLCPD’s legacy of courage, sacrifice, and unwavering service to our community.”
For the past seven months, the new officers received training in a variety of different areas. These areas included: crisis intervention, emergency vehicle operations, defensive tactics, firearms, and legal.
The new officers now begin a new phase of their training – field training. During this portion of their training, the new officers will be teamed with a field training officer. The field training officer will evaluate how the new officers perform their daily responsibilities.
“These newly minted police officers have been taught by the best group of training officers in the country,” Brown said in a news release. “I am confident they are prepared to serve this community.”
According to the news release, the Salt Lake City Police Department Police Academy is a satellite academy. It meets the requirements provided by the Utah Police Officers and Training.
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