Salt Lake City adopts strategy to eliminate traffic-related fatalities
Jan 11, 2023, 5:30 PM | Updated: Jan 12, 2023, 12:08 pm

Traffic moves along I-15 during rush hour in Salt Lake City on Friday, July 1, 2022. (Photo credit: Mengshin Lin/Deseret News)
(Photo credit: Mengshin Lin/Deseret News)
SALT LAKE CITY — A growing concern over Utah’s road safety has prompted Salt Lake City to join the Vision Zero Network, Mayor Erin Mendenhall announced Wednesday.
In 2022, 320 lives were lost on roads within the state according to UDOT and DPS.
The network is a national strategy to eliminate fatal auto-related accidents and severe injuries on city streets. Additionally, the network works to increase safety, health, and fair mobility.
Vision Zero Network’s webpage stresses that in order to create safe mobility within a city, there must be systems in place. The systems stem from collecting and analyzing data to understand trends and potential impacts on specific populations.
Furthermore, the strategy includes designing policies and road systems to ensure inevitable mistakes by users do not result in severe injuries or death.
Mayor Mendenhall said during her announcement that SLC residents deserve to travel safely any time of day throughout the city by any method.
“Vision Zero is not more of the same. It is a significant departure from the status quo,” Mendenhall said. “That will further solidify Salt Lake City’s commitment to safe streets.”
In a release on SLC joining Vision Zero, it said policymakers plan to implement policies. These policies include speed management, improve roadway environment, and other related systems.
However, before policymakers get to work the city will create a strategic plan and engage with the community. Then, policy development takes place.
Jon Larsen, transportation division director, said this will provide focus on ongoing traffic safety efforts for SLC drivers.
“This will require a shift in mentality for everyone that getting there safely is more important than getting there fast,” Larsen said.