Utah man has sights on a record-breaking pumpkin
Sep 24, 2021, 6:17 PM | Updated: Sep 25, 2021, 1:34 pm

Ross Bowman, and what he believes could be a 2,000 lb pumpkin! (Jamie Johnson)
(Jamie Johnson)
SALT LAKE CITY — The state’s largest pumpkin may have been harvested on Friday.
Since 2005, Ross Bowman, 86, has been trying to grow the world’s largest pumpkin. Until now, the largest one he has ever grown was just a little more than 1,200 pounds.
This year, however, he thinks his pumpkin will weigh in at more than 2,000 pounds.
Bowman says this year he reached out to members of the community for different seeds. He gave the pumpkin more room to grow. Bowman planted the seed in April, and pollinated it in June. And 90 days later, he has a pumpkin that could surpass the previous record weight of 1,950 pounds.
Bowman says he has relied on the community to help him grow the pumpkin. The pumpkin will be weighed Saturday at the Utah Giant Pumpkin Competition.