Westminster College plans to have in-person classes in fall
May 26, 2020, 7:16 PM | Updated: Jan 5, 2021, 10:58 pm
SALT LAKE CITY— Masks, social distancing, and proper hygiene will be part of the curriculum come fall. Westminster, a small liberal arts college in Sugarhouse, released a statement saying they will be having in-person classes… with an exception. Fall break is gone. Westminster says its being removed so the semester can end early on December 4. The last week of class after Thanksgiving will be remote. Westminster says this approach reduces travel and the risk of illness. They are also developing safety protocols for classrooms, dining, and residence halls.
Westminster College President Bethami Dobkin is hedging against another outbreak. She’s quoted as saying, “[Our] planning includes safety and flexibility to shift back to more remote learning if needed.”