Rep. Teuscher to hold off on curriculum bill, consult more teachers
Jan 28, 2022, 10:29 AM

A House panel is endorsing a new Utah law, H.B. 102, which extends resident college tuition rates to refugees and political asylum seekers. Rep. Tuescher speaks during the fourth day of the Utah general legislative session on Friday, Jan. 21, 2022. Photo: Mengshin Lin, Deseret News
SALT LAKE CITY — On Friday morning, Rep. Jordan Teuscher announced he would hold off on a bill requiring teachers to publish all learning material and syllabi online. House Bill 234 will not be considered in the 2022 Legislative Session.
Teuscher, R- South Jordan, announced on Twitter and in a detailed statement he had consulted leaders in the House and the chair of the Rules Committee. He asked them to hold off on the bill.
2/ I strongly believe that this is a topic worth taking the time to get right. As such I have spoken with House leadership and the chair of the Rules Committee and have asked them to hold on the bill so we can take the time that is needed to more fully flesh it out. #utpol #utleg
— Jordan Teuscher (@jordanteuscher) January 28, 2022
In the statement, Teuscher emphasized the “passionate input” he received both in support and in opposition of the bill. With the large response, he felt he could not adequately work through all of the concerns and comments in the 34 days remaining in the session.
3/ I will recommend that this bill be added to the list of topics to be studied by the Ed. Interim Committee-giving me time to meet with interested parties, adapt the bill to better meet the needs of parents & teachers, & have a better forum to receive public input. #utpol #utleg
— Jordan Teuscher (@jordanteuscher) January 28, 2022
During the pause on the bill, Teuscher said he will consult parents, teachers, and students. Additionally, he recommended the bill be studied by the Education Interim Committee.