Over half of Utahns not getting quality sleep, expert shares tips
Feb 9, 2024, 6:37 PM

Over half of Utahns are falling behind on getting quality sleep. Is there anything they can do to get better sleep?(©istockphoto.com/Neustockimages)
SALT LAKE CITY — Over half of Utahns are falling behind on getting quality sleep. Is there anything they can do to get better sleep?
According to axios.com, over 68% of Utahns are getting less than seven hours of sleep. Lack of sleep can cause things like anxiety and depression.
Along with this, the Director of Education for Sound Sleep Medical Melissa Lowry said a lack of sleep can also cause memory loss and lack of concentration.
If you can’t get enough sleep, Lowry advises to at least make sure it’s quality sleep. What can prevent quality sleep?
“If the room is too light, or too noisy,” Lowry said. “If they’ve used devices that emit blue light too close to bedtime. (And), even having pets in the bed with them.”
However, it seems like Utah is on par with the rest of the country, with only a few states doing better.
Lowry said we’ve got to start taking sleep health more seriously because it greatly affects our lives.
“We’ll do health screenings like mammograms and colonoscopies,” she said. “A sleep screening of some sort should also be on everybody’s list.”