Jeff Caplan’s Minute of News: Artificial Intelligence, Elon Musk style
May 21, 2024, 6:00 AM

Want to know how old your face looks? A new AI-powered website says it can measure how old you look. Does it work?(Getty Images)
(Getty Images)
Editor’s note: This is an editorial piece. An editorial, like a news article, is based on fact but also shares opinions. The opinions expressed here are solely those of the author and are not associated with our newsroom.
SALT LAKE CITY — Do you know how artificial intelligence works? With generative AI, supercomputers look at everything on the Internet. From Shakespeare to news articles movie scripts and conversations on forums. From this, the computer grinds out the most logical answer.
But Elon Musk has a different idea with his $6 billion AI company. His database where all the answers are gonna come from is Twitter — well X now — which he calls the biggest human conversation ever.
What could go wrong?
If you don’t spend much time on Twitter, fire-breathing morons share their stupidity, seethe with hatred and sneer and snicker at the most simple and benign statements. If you post about grandma’s 80th birthday, somebody will chime in about euthanasia for the elderly. Twitter — sorry I mean X — is the proof of Godwin’s law. As any online discussion grows longer, it will eventually mention Nazis.
I can already imagine xAI — that’s Elon’s company — answering your simple questions.
Computer, can you give me a recipe for Rhubarb pie? Enter.
Ah. Takes a few seconds — here’s the answer.
“Rhubarb sucks.”
“If you’re stupid enough to make it, slip into something more comfortable. Like a coma.”
A coma? What’s the recipe?
“You should start with one cup of sugar. But Liberal snowflakes start with two cups.”
Uh… what’s the recipe?
“If you don’t know what’s next, you probably ate paint chips as a kid. You add the rhubarb, jerk.”
Wow. With Twitter as the database of human knowledge, I have a feeling that when Elon Musk is done running through his $6 billion, AI is gonna stand for artificial idiocy.
Jeff Caplan is the host of Jeff Caplan’s Afternoon News on KSL NewsRadio. Follow him on Facebook and X.