Jeff Caplan’s Minute of News: Have you been Hurkle Durkling?
Dec 10, 2024, 6:00 AM

This time of year is made for hurkle durkling.
Editor’s note: This is an editorial piece. An editorial, like a news article, is based on fact but also shares opinions. The opinions expressed here are solely those of the author and are not associated with our newsroom.
SALT LAKE CITY — Have you been Hurkle Durkling? I’m not ashamed, I’m just gonna come right out and say it. I’m a hurkle durkler… and I’m not alone.
Tough to pronounce … try saying hurkle durkling with a hurkle durkler. It is the perfect time of year to Hurkle Durkle.
And if you’re unclear what it is. It’s an olllld-timey expression. Susie Dent a woman on Tik Tok holding a Scottish dictionary explains.
It’s when you stay in bed way past your alarm.
This time of year is made for hurkle durkling. As we all wake-up before the sun and are already carpe diem-ing the heck out of the day as it rises. It’s absolutely lovely to take a little time to yourself and lollygag under the covers for a few precious minutes.
Hurkle Durkling is a guilty pleasure in the dead of winter… that has enthuisiastically lazy people posting pictures of their bedrooms with blankets bumbled up and cozy. Hurkle Durkling is not to be confused with the more intensive version … Bed Rotting … where you just stay there and never get up for an entire weekend. Or its less absolute cousin … called Sofa Sprawling. Which is self explanatory.
But in any event… people who love leisure more than most are popping their heads out of the covers long enough to post on social about the joys of accomplishing nothing … If even only for a few minutes … during the busiest time of the year. Psychologists said there’s nothing wrong with Hurkle Durkling. Because you know what can happen when things move too quickly .
Jeff Caplan is the host of Jeff Caplan’s Afternoon News on KSL NewsRadio. Follow him on Facebook and X.