Busy weekend for Summit County Search and Rescue
Dec 26, 2021, 9:07 PM | Updated: Dec 29, 2022, 11:51 am

Summit County Search and Rescue was kept busy all weekend, including a lost snowmobiler, who was reported missing on Christmas Eve, but was found safe on Christmas day. Photo credit: Summit County Search and Rescue
SUMMIT COUNTY, Utah — Despite the holiday weekend, Summit County Search and Rescue found itself quite busy.
On Friday, search and rescue was notified of a missing snowmobiler around 3:15 p.m. The individual who had called was concerned about the amount of time the snowmobiler had been gone, and the potential danger of an incoming storm.
Teams were deployed and searched the night in white-out conditions. The missing snowmobiler was found safe on Christmas morning. The snowmobiler was tired and had injuries that are common for being exposed to the cold. Teams were able to get off the mountain and get home to spend the rest of Christmas with their families.
On Sunday, Summit Search and Rescue was called to help South Summit EMS with a back country medical situation. It was in the Pine Mountain cabin area in Weber Canyon.
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