Davis School District launches video series encouraging inclusivity
Jan 10, 2022, 6:49 PM

FILE- Davis County School District headquarters. Photo: KSLTV
FARMINGTON — On Monday, the Davis School District released the first episode in a video series aimed at improving the culture within the schools. The series is entitled “No More! Not Here!”
Earlier this school year, Department of Justice investigators looked into racial harassment and discrimination within the Davis School District. As a result of the investigation, a federal settlement was reached to address the problems.
Video series were inspired
Hailey Higgins, a spokesperson for the district, said the videos were not a requirement of the settlement but were inspired by the findings of the investigation. She said the videos are largely a student-led effort.
“Our equity division had this idea and brought it to the students, across the district,” Higgins said. “The students came up with the script, they took the idea and ran with it.”
New episode will be released once a month
Two videos were released Monday, one featuring elementary school students and one with secondary school students. Higgins said a new episode will be released the second Monday of every month and will be shown in every classroom within the district. She said the following videos will focus on specific ways to be more inclusive and stand against discrimination at school and within the community.
Jeanetta Williams, the president of the NAACP Salt Lake Branch, said it’s great that students are leading this project because students may be more likely to listen to their peers than adults.
“They’re in the schools everyday so they know, and they hear what’s going on,” Williams said. “And they do have a voice. So, when they can speak out, in a positive way, they can hopefully influence other students.”
Williams said the Davis School District has made positive changes since the investigation. And while they were the center of the investigation, racial harassment and discrimination are problems in schools across the state.
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