Steps for effectively managing bindweed in flowerbeds

Aug 30, 2024, 6:00 AM

Dead bindweed in a flowerbed...

The results of successful bindweed management in a flowerbed (Taun Beddes/KSL NewsRadio)

(Taun Beddes/KSL NewsRadio)

SALT LAKE CITY — So you’ve got bindweed in your flowerbed… How do you kill it without hurting the rest of your plants?


Gather the bindweed into bunches

In your flowerbed, all bindweed should grow around 12 inches long. Once it reaches this length, carefully gather the vines into bunches. It’s important to note that you should not sever the vines from the roots. This cautious approach is crucial.

Bag the bindweed

When bagging the bindweed, it’s essential to exercise patience and handle the process with care to not pull the vines out of the ground. Place the bindweed into gallon-sized Ziploc-style bags. Gently bunch it to one side or the center of the bag and seal the bag as best you can around the base of the vines. This process, though a bit tricky, requires careful handling and attention to detail, but it’s worth it for effective bindweed management.

Spray into the bag

Once the bindweed is sealed into the bags, puncture a hole just big enough for your spray nozzle to fit through the bag. Mix 1 to 2 quarts of glyphosate spray into a small pump sprayer. Spray enough mixed glyphosate spray (1 to 2 ounces) into the bag to cover the vines. You may need to message the vines inside the bag into the liquid to get better coverage. You will likely have leftover spray. Apply the spray in the leftover liquid to the weeds in the yard to get rid of the excess. Do not apply the spray to desirable plants.

Cover the bag

Because the sun will heat the clear bags like a greenhouse, where temperatures exceed 140 degrees Fahrenheit, the bags must be covered with boxes or old, light-colored towels. The boxes or towels must be secured to prevent them from flying away in the wind. Leave the bags covered for 1 to 2 days, and then remove the covers and the bags. Be careful not to uproot the bindweed, and it will die within 10 to 14 days.


KSL Greenhouse is on every Saturday from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. Follow the show on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and on our website.

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Steps for effectively managing bindweed in flowerbeds