Salt Lake City to build “micro shelter community” for homeless
Nov 3, 2023, 6:00 PM

Building construction continues with a crane in downtown Salt Lake City on Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2023. (Jeffrey D. Allred, Deseret News)
(Jeffrey D. Allred, Deseret News)
SALT LAKE CITY — Salt Lake City leaders want to build a “micro shelter community,” rather than a sanctioned campground for people experiencing homelessness.
Micro shelters are moveable, foldable steel versions of tiny houses. Salt Lake City unveiled its plan to use the shelters supplied by California-based company Foldum on Thursday.
The city will spend $640,000 to buy 25 micro shelters.
Wayne Niederauer with Salt Lake County Homeless Services said the decision to move from camp tents to steel-made micro shelters was considered for the safety of the people they serve. He said Homeless Services is also prioritizing people on its growing waiting list, especially those who have been on it for a long time.
However, last month, the city was unable to find a provider to oversee the operation.
But, Niederauer said Homeless Services wants to select one by Dec. 1, with a goal to be up and running by mid-Dec.
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